Quadriceps Pain

Quadriceps pain can develop with a sudden injury (Quadriceps strain) but also it can develop over a period of time, with no obvious reason. The pain will be worse with sports and dynamic activities. It is felt in the front thigh area.

We know that the quadriceps is a complex group of four major tendons and muscles. These muscles and tendons combined with the hip joint need to work in the correct biomechanical pattern or quadriceps strains and hip pain can occur regularly, particularly in sportspeople.

The quadriceps muscle needs good flexibility and requires a strong stable base to function. This base is usually provided by your pelvis, hips and lower back. Pain and inflammation will develop if you keep using your quadriceps while it is injured. You will develop altered walking, running and movement patterns. This in turn creates a “muscle imbalance,” reinforcing your poor movement patterns causing further pain and inflammation, often in your hips, lower back and sometimes in your knee.

A poor walking/ running style (gait) or poor biomechanics will become a habit and you will be consistently in pain and have a stiff tight lower back and hips. If you keep this “bad habit” you will continue to aggravate and irritate the quadriceps muscle and your pain will persist and will potentially get worse.

Treatment of your quadriceps strain/ pain will make you feel better. It’s what you would expect when you are in pain. However, if you have the pain treated (massage, mobilization, medications), but do not correct your posture, your biomechanics and strength deficits, you are only receiving a “temporary relief” from your pain, and it is likely that your pain will reoccur. This is only short-term relief, and not a long-term solution.

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